Going past the market’s paradigm of the “Billing System” Gridway Power is based on industrial CRM and ERP standard for the market in the Microsoft Dynamics World. The add-on receives our many years competency on the sales sector guaranteeing a constant update both for regulation and functionality.

The vitality of this market is showing the arrival of new players and the fusions between them. Beside our solution, based on CRM and ERP both very effective in an evolving market, we offer outsourcing services administrative outsourcing. We provide the customer with their whole activity stock for the creation of the bill in modality “charge by the bill”.
By resizing the type of service with only the necessary activities, the proposed model will adapt to the growth of the client’s business without the need for initial investments.
This module revolutionises the concept of Web Counter as stated by the law, with which it is compliant, by evolving it to a contact point with the customer. Integrated both ways with Gridway CRM, becomes one of the entrance and exit channels of the company to know and relate with the customer.
This module revolutionises the concept of counter. It manages the dealings with the customer through traditional channels:Counter, Call centre, Web portal, and also manages the after sale: Calls and Intervention Planning, on site inspections and marketing: Web communications, SMS, Email and all in a single system of customer relations. Through a custom system module or mobile systems, CRM can interact with agencies and agents.
Many of the active cycle most complex activities are connected to Bill calculation and credit management, be it for the regulations characterising them (ARERA), or for the importance held by the data in a corporate context of control and safeguard of the performance. Completely integrated with the Billing system of Dynamics NAV allows the recording of every single line which are assigned dimensions for an accurate management control or for the compulsory ARERA declarations. Credit management is complete in every detail: Advances, Defaults, Instalments and can be integrated with the main treasury systems like DocFinance or Piteco.
We integrated our vertical EasyGO for utility to the multiple Administration and Finance functions already present in Dynamics NAV, this allows to manage a whole series of actions typical to this sector: Contracts with CIG management, Competences and Tools management are just afew of the traits present.
Commission Management operates in a tight correlation with the billing system. Through a parametric matrix we can define the type of business partner assigning, according to the kind of Deal, a formula to calculate the commission. The module’s flexibility adapts itself to the complexity and variety of the operative management mode of the business partners.
The strong competition on the market, renders necessary the use of loyalty schemes through the differentiation of the offer. With this module we can manage scores and promotions according to usage, loyalty duration, area and assign prizes. Entirely managed through CRM, the system allows to check the customer’s prizes and loyalty to create targeted actions.
Using tools originally integrated with Dynamics NAV and CRM like Microsoft Excel and Power BI the module supplies a series of models typical and useful to business Intelligence management for this particular sector.