Sector’s characteristics
The Certifying Organisms, Inspection, Verification and Trial and Registration Laboratories, must obey precise requirements as defined in the dalla norma internazionale ISO/IEC 17011 and, in Italy they undergo continuous controls by the Single certifying Entity designated by the government which is Accredia.
Such organisms must guarantee competence, independence and impartiality while certifying that the product on the market conforms to the regulations and this gives value and reliability to the certification, to the inspections providing a high level of quality guaranty and security of the goods and services.

Netribe solution for Certifying Organisms
Netribe solution for Certifying Organisms

Because it grows with You
Accreditation on the market, promotes development within the whole socio-economic system and supports corporate competitiveness even on the international market. It is an activity of social relevance, made in the public interest, to safeguard fundamental values such as consumer’s health and care for the environment. It is important to adopt an information system adequate and innovative.
Because it grants an integrated management of the process.
The solution is completely integrated, the input Data will be available on the whole itinerary, eliminating redundancies and allowing to automate as much the process as possible “with defined rules”, providing self-generated elements of evaluation.
Our Solution is a Microsoft Dynamics CRM add-on interfaced with NAV, capable of directing the whole certifying process through a series of work flow.
Contracts, activities can be managed also by using Mobile tools interacting automatically with the central system.
CertiFlow is the managing solution the Certifying Organisms, Inspection, Verification and Trial and Calibration Laboratories, must obey precise requirements as defined in te ISO/IEC 17011 regulation and, in Italy they undergo continuous controls by the Single certifying Entity designated by the government which is Accredia.